Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Harrassment that continues

X, posted about this and I had too much to say to leave in her comment box.

She talked about remembering teacher's who may have been sexually harrassing girls in school. And how girls and even woman are still dealing with this issue and not speaking up.

It made me remember a few things I have dealt with in the past.

I was too tall and too skinny for any of the teachers, or boys for that matter, to pay any attention to me in high school. But, there was a track coach in JR college that always had his hands on girls. Always tried to pat me on my butt. Always. I would look for him before I would leave the field to make sure he was at the other end before I left.

And there was also the old track star who comes back to the high schools and volunteers to help coach. He was a leacherous old man then, and nearly 25 years later he still is now.

There was also the photographer who took the senior pictures. Everyone went to this man. Even though all the girls knew he would touch your boobs if you had any to speak of. I was flat chested, so he looked but didn't try to touch. I think some father must have gotten wind of it because he suddenly went out of business about 5 or 10 years after I graduated.

And then there was the manager at the restaurant I worked at when I was about 21. Untied my skirt once. He never did that mess again. But he obviously had gotten away with it before. Or the other manager, at the same restaurant, who ony wanted me to wear the cocktail waitress skirt because it was so short and I had long legs.

I never told anyone about any of these thing because, maybe I misunderstood or was being too sensitive. Also, back then (I am pretty old) no one talked about sexual harrassment at all. It was just a joke, no harm no foul.

Really, then why do I remember these things like they happened yesterday?


The Humanity Critic said...

Great post. It is definitely messed up that woman have to go through such a ordeal.

Rurality said...

I was lucky enough not to have that kind of thing happen to me im school (but knew other girls who it happened to).

But I once I went to a dirty old man gynecologist. Ick! Ick!