Thursday, June 23, 2005

Love that child

Yesterday, my boys participated in their promotion ceremonies. One from 6th grade the other from 8th grade.

The 6th grades was really cute. Kids dressed in black and white, smiling in the sun. My son recieved a certificate for perfect attendance and never missing a homework assignment the entire school year. I was so proud, tears were streming down my face.

The director of the school used such wonderful adjectives to describe my child, I didn't know who she could possibly have been speaking of. Her words were, sweet, generous, loving with a smile always on his face. And a ready greeting of hello.

Who, my child?? Not the one who pouts when I tell him to clean his room, or gets cranky when he is tired? She couldn't be talking about that boy who can wear the same short outfit day after day if I don't hide it from him? That kid?

Yup, my son. And I am SO proud of him, and I always will be.

1 comment:

Icey said...

That is too funny. I have a three year old and she could wear the same shirt (It says Daddy's Girl) every single day!
