I liked this meme, so I thought I'd share.
A is for Age - 41 next week (9/2/??)
B is for Beverage - Chardonnay
C is for Career - Marketing Manager/Director of Broadcast
D is for Dad’s name -Thomas
E is for Essential items to bring to a party - me
F is for Favorite song at the moment - 1 thing
G is for Goof off thing to do - read blogs
H is for Hometown - 'Dena
I is for Instrument you play - flute, when I was in high school
J is for Jam or Jelly you like - Welch's grape
K is for Kids - I have 3. 2 boys and a girl
L is for Living arrangement - small 3 bedroom house that needs work
M is for Mom’s name - Hellen
N is for Names of best friends - My honey and Dana
O is for overnight hospital stays -one for each kid, 2 surgeries= 5.
P is for Phobias - snakes
Q is for Quote you like - "I love you as midnight loves teh moon"
R is for Relationship that lasted longest - Coach C. 24 years, 17 married.
S is for Siblings -one younger brother. He's the bomb
T is for Texas , Ever been? - Nope.
U is for Unique trait - I can argue about any topic at the drop of a hat.
V if for Vegetable you love - Asparagus
W is for Worst trait - I have to be right
X - is for XRays you’ve had - Hip, hand, finger,teeth
Y is for Yummy food you make - Fried chicken
Z is for Zodiac sign - Virgo
Weekend Entertainment Roundup February 22, 2025
2 hours ago