Thursday, January 05, 2006


My grandmother is coming to stay with me for the weekend. It gives her a break from my Aunt.

There are things I have to get used to. She's getting older and sometimes that's hard to remember. I miss the times she'd come to visit and call me to take her yard sale shopping or to pick n save. She's not one for big department stores. She loves a good bargain.

She can't get around like she used to. The arthritis in her knee is so bad at times, she's had to be rushed to the hospital twice in the last two weeks to have fluid drainded. She currently has a knee brace, a cane and a walker that she refuses to use.

I'll have to remind her to take pain medication, blood pressure medication and diabetes meds. She hates takin' those things.

I have to hit the market on the way home and buy stuff to make margaritas. She loves when I make them. But, she forgets that I made them best when I was a bartender 20 years ago. But, I'll make them for her anyway because my aunt hates when I do.

I'm hoping she will be in the mood to help me make tamales and show me how to crochet. And I really want her to see the kids games this weekend. One Friday evening and the other Saturday afternoon.

But, I'll be content to sit around and watch TV if that is all she is able to do.

And drink our margaritas.


gwen said...

lucky, lucky...were there tamales?

Bballmom said...

There were, but we never got to them.

Icey said...

Grandmothers rock!