Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Things on my mind

I worry too much.

I allow things
I can't control
to take my energy
to steal my joy

I allow people
I don't care about
push me to anger
to skew my focus

Often I am
debilitated by these
unecessary concerns

Headaches abound
sleep is lost
important things
are forgotten
pushed aside

I prayed out loud
in the car this morning
begging the Lord
to take away
the anxiety
I seem intent on keeping

The issues on my mind
are important
but not life or death
only inconvenient

There is backstabbing
going on
I can't control
and shouldn't be concerned with
it bothers me
it hurts my feelings

I have to let go and let God
And wherever
the chips may fall
that is where the Lord
planned for them
to be

And all my worries
won't have changed
a thing