Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Do you like who you are?

This is a tough question for me.

I'm still trying to figure out who I am outside of my kids, so I can't really answer if I like myself.

I mean, I love that I am an involved parent. I love being the team mom, or when the kids were younger, being the "kool-aid house" on the block. That was so much fun! I knew where my kids were and who they were hanging with.

I kept extra popsicles in the freezer and never left the market without 6 packages of hot dogs and buns. No kid ever left my house hungry. Often, I would have drop kids off when it was dark since half the time their parents had no idea where they were.

So, I like those things about me. But, overall I'm not so sure.

I guess I will have t0 think on this one and come back to it. That is a damn shame.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Questions to myself

Ladylee posted questions that someone asked themself on their blog. I thought asking/answering those questions for myself might be a really good way to move forward.

I really need to put some thought into who I am. So here goes question 1:

Who am I?

My first repsonse is that I am my childrens mother and my husband's wife. While that is all fine and good, it really doesn't say beans about me as a person.

I am a good hearted person, but difficult to be friends. I don't have the time to go shopping or hang out with a friend. My family takes way too much of my time. As you can see from my comment above, they define who I am.

And for right now, that isn't abad thing to me. It will change in 3 years. That's when the last one goes off to college. Actually, it will change significantly when the middle one goes to the summer college program in June. Then I 'm down to one kid who plays on a competitive team that travels.

So, we are back to who am I....

A gardner. I love the feel of good soil in my hands. I love to plant seeds and watch things grow a few weeks later. My best summer gardens are a reflection of the amount of stress I had at work during the spring. All the negative energy went into digging, plowing, planting and weeding. I lvoed every minute of it.

A baker. Nothing makes me happier than opening a cook book and trying a new recipe. I get so excited when I want to try and bake somehting and I have all the ingredients in the cabinet! I rarely do anything on a whim, so having everything I need in place let's me do that.

I've rambled on and on yet still have not answered the question of who I am. I think I am going to leave this one alone for now. I'll come back to try and tackle it again later.

Stay tuned for the next question:

Do you like who you are?

Hmm, should be interesting.