Wednesday, January 26, 2005


There was a terrible train wreck in the LA area early this morning. At last count 10 people were killed and over 200 injured. 89 of those required hospitalization. It's so near my office I hear the sirens and helicopters flying overheard.

Some idiot decided to kill himself so he drove his Jeep Cherokee onto the train tracks. At the last minute the coward changed his mind. He couldn't move the vehicle fast enough, so he hoped out and watched the accident happen.


Now, instead of actually being dead, he's wishing he was dead as he sits in a jail cell and is being charged with murder. And based on the laws in the state of California, when he is eventually found guilty, he will be sent to death row. And in the year 2025, he will get his wish and die. Except this time in the gas chamber.

But the asshole managed to kill 10 people and enjoys so many others. Those people would love to be alive in the year 2025. Idiot.

Message to those who want to committ suicide, do it so you don't hurt anyone else. Don't make a u-turn on the freeway at rush hour. Don't hang yourself at home so family members can find you. And don't jump off an office building. Other people have to look at you.

Take some poisin and go lay in a ditch somewhere. Then you can't hurt anyone else.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I'll try this again

I was writing a post about my garden and accidently hit the post button to soon.
I'm such a klutz.

I love to garden. I'm not that great at it because I get a little lazy. And the kids bball schedules keep me from concentrating on it as much as I would like.

But, it makes me happy. I love to dig in the dirt, with gloves on of course.

There's something about planting a bulb, and watching as a beautiful flower grows. Or planting vegetables, picking and eating them from my own space. Very cool.

Gardening makes me happy. It helps keep my stress level down. I always tell people that you can get and idea of how stressed I am by the size of the garden. If it's been a really bad season, the garden is huge. I'll have stuff growing out of every pot I can find and every open corner the neighbors cats won't dig into.

I'm really missing it right now. There's been so much rain, I can't do anything. And the kids schedules have kept me running like a crazy person. And I am feeling very stressed. I need to go dig in the dirt and plant something.

I think I will. This weekend, I am going to plant a few bulbs and prepare the garden box for spinach and carrots. Maybe some radishes too. I don't like to eat them, just grow them.

While I'm digging and planting my mind goes far away. Sometimes, I forget how long I've been out there or what got me so upset to begin with.

That's what I need right now. To think, clear my head, and let it go.

My garden

Thursday, January 13, 2005

What the $%&*!

They did it to me again.

I worked my ass off. Got great banner placement for a client. And they let a white boy in a different department get the credit for the planning and placement and negotiation of soemthing I did. Me. With my contacts and my research. Me.

The first time it happend, a few months ago, I was so shocked it happened, I was speechless. So, I could only let it go.

But this morning, when the subject came up, this person was sitting behind me and the VP referred to him. Like he knew. If I hadn't nodded my head in response, the jerk behind me would never have known the start date at all. He couldn't of answered the question. But I didn't know he was there. And I just sat there. Like a fucking idiot. Never again

I am so mad I could spit. And when I go to my boss about it, she blows me off.

Just because she let's these people run over her and not appreciate her, doesn't mean it has to happen to me.

I don't know how I am going to handle this yet, but I will. And it won't be in the way any of them expect it either. I'm not going to raise my voice or stomp my feet. It will be felt much more harshly than that. I will make sure of it.

Maybe another company should get the benefit of my vast experience and expertise. Screw them and their clients.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Hey people

What is up for the new year? My husband and I didn't make new years resolutions. We never keep them. But I do have some things I would like to accomplish this year,

I have the following goals:

1. Organize my house
2. Get out of bed on time.
3. Pay bills on time
4. Get rid of the clutter at home
5. Focus more on my job (when I am there)
6. Eat dinner at the dinning room table more often
7. Go back to cooking a few days ahead
8. Stay in contact with more of my cousins
9. Talk to my brother more than once a month
10. Talk to my Dad less than once a day
11. Thank God more often
12. Appreciate what I have
13. Truly understand that I am blessed
14. Find more ways to show my husband I love him
15. Expect more from my children

I know these are kind of all over the place, but that's me.

What about you?