Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Life gets in the way

I'm sorry to have disappeared for so long. I'm trying to get back to blogging.

We have been so busy with basketball tournaments, summer school and work.

I can't get to the computer at home between the two teenagers. They can barely share it between themselves. And work has been so busy, I haven't been able to sneak a few minutes to update my blog.

I will come back in a few days. I have some stories to tell about the dysfunctional families I have to deal with through the world of youth sports. You won't believe it.


Jenijen said...

Hey there! I made it over now that there are three kids (watching a video) here rather than six. Hope all is well and that the depression you were feeling earlier has gotten better. Are there any mothers who don't struggle with some kind of depression? I loved your post about your daughter's birthday. Thanks for stopping by!

lashundra said...

juggling from sport event to sport event and with 2 kids, i know you have been running like crazy, but i can't wait to hear about it. my daughter will be playing soccer this fall and she's so excited to be playing again, i just hate dealing with the weather either rainy or cold, but as long as she's happy that's all that matters and we need to keep our kids busy doing something.

welcome back!

Bballmom said...

Girl, I have three kids, two of them are teenagers. I feel like I am losing my mind sometimes.

TheBlacks said...

It's about T-I-M-E!

Bballmom said...

mista, you know you got nerve.