Thursday, January 06, 2005

Hey people

What is up for the new year? My husband and I didn't make new years resolutions. We never keep them. But I do have some things I would like to accomplish this year,

I have the following goals:

1. Organize my house
2. Get out of bed on time.
3. Pay bills on time
4. Get rid of the clutter at home
5. Focus more on my job (when I am there)
6. Eat dinner at the dinning room table more often
7. Go back to cooking a few days ahead
8. Stay in contact with more of my cousins
9. Talk to my brother more than once a month
10. Talk to my Dad less than once a day
11. Thank God more often
12. Appreciate what I have
13. Truly understand that I am blessed
14. Find more ways to show my husband I love him
15. Expect more from my children

I know these are kind of all over the place, but that's me.

What about you?

1 comment:

lashundra said...

those are some great goals and mine are the same as yours except i'm not married so #14 would be: pray that god sends me a hubby to help me out before i go bankrupt.

happy new year!