Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I'll try this again

I was writing a post about my garden and accidently hit the post button to soon.
I'm such a klutz.

I love to garden. I'm not that great at it because I get a little lazy. And the kids bball schedules keep me from concentrating on it as much as I would like.

But, it makes me happy. I love to dig in the dirt, with gloves on of course.

There's something about planting a bulb, and watching as a beautiful flower grows. Or planting vegetables, picking and eating them from my own space. Very cool.

Gardening makes me happy. It helps keep my stress level down. I always tell people that you can get and idea of how stressed I am by the size of the garden. If it's been a really bad season, the garden is huge. I'll have stuff growing out of every pot I can find and every open corner the neighbors cats won't dig into.

I'm really missing it right now. There's been so much rain, I can't do anything. And the kids schedules have kept me running like a crazy person. And I am feeling very stressed. I need to go dig in the dirt and plant something.

I think I will. This weekend, I am going to plant a few bulbs and prepare the garden box for spinach and carrots. Maybe some radishes too. I don't like to eat them, just grow them.

While I'm digging and planting my mind goes far away. Sometimes, I forget how long I've been out there or what got me so upset to begin with.

That's what I need right now. To think, clear my head, and let it go.

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