Sunday, November 05, 2006


"We're happier people when we're aware of the blessings that surround us."

I read this very simple statement in Women's Day magazine last week and it has been on my mind ever since.

Often, I get so caught up in the day to day whining about what I don't have, I forget to be thankful what what I do have. I am thankful for the following:

A healthy family- I am always reading about the trials and tribulations of parents with chronically ill children. That has never been my existence. Thank you Jesus.

A well paying job- Could I make more, sure. Could I also not have a job at all, absolutely. I thank the Lord for that.

A good hearted husband- He gets on my last nerve and isn't always there emotionally when I would like him to be, but he loves me. And better yet, he loves our children.

A roof over my head- We almost didn't for a minute there, but the Lord has stepped in to keep that from happening.

A vehicle that runs- actually 3, but only one car note. You all know that is a HUGE blessing.

The list could go on, but I think along with the daily challenge of posting, i will list something that I am thankful for each day too.

Hope you all had a blessed day, I know I did.

1 comment:

chele said...

I like that quote. Too often we forget about the tiny little things that keep our lives running smoothly.